I know I promised to write more often. Insert big sigh here. Things get away from me....excuses, I apologize.
I'm pretty bad at taking pictures, I forget. Here are my favorite quilts from Houston. Blurry, taken with my phone which is out of date...note to self: contract is up...Go get a NEW one!
It is sideways, but looked the same if rotated.
wonderful for Fall
the Cow says BOO...I love it!
Awesome!!! Hand quilted, Australian quilter...Viewer's Choice and 1st Place.
Next time...better photos...
I was quite happy to see my line in the Newcastle Fabric booth. You can see the line by going to this link.
http://newfabs.com/gallery/item/67-catherine-s-courtyard Two aqua raindrop prints are shown, don't know why, we will only have one. I had the line ready at Spring Market and then it finally appeared online the Friday of Fall Market. Still wondering why it took so long?
I had great plans for a Quilt Market/Houston vacation. The trip and getting away were good, but maybe a working vacation is not what I need. Seeing good friends only once or twice a year and reconnecting was wonderful, as was keeping up with business contacts. I ordered lots of lovely reproduction fabrics for the store and have gotten very excited about the Crossroads line of denim used in the creations of Amy Barickman for Indygo Junction. Yes, I'm going to make some garments!
http://www.indygojunction.com/patterns/new-arrivals/ I especially like the jackets. Can't decide which one to make first...ok, I have time, fabric hasn't arrived yet.
Fall has come to North Texas. Leaves are aren't turning much, we don't have the wonderful color, that other parts of the country enjoy. Our changes won't appear until nearly Christmas, when few leaves are left to turn! We have had a good bit of rain and the air is cooler.
I'm almost ready to start a new page. I've been talking about this for quite a while. There is a contract on my parents house and my first granddaughter is due really soon. I need to renew, energize and focus. While I'll always miss my folks, I won't be miss the burden of caring for their house. UGH!
Wish me luck as hopefully the contract goes through and baby arrives safely.
YES, a new page will open. Stay tuned. I've bought the journal!
Now to go bind 2 baby quilts, make one more changing pad cover and one more sheet.
Until next time~