Thank you All for the nice response to my test blog! I’m back today with MY block Crowning Glory, number 18, for BH4. If I had known how hot it would be this month, I would have named it Blazing Glory!
In case you are new to following me, since I’ve been away from blogging for a couple of years, this is my 4th time to be a Moda Blockheads designer. Each series has been fun and different. This time we have lots of Moda designers and I hope you will visit them to see what they have made.
My pile of tiny blocks is growing…and while I’ve thought of settings, I’ll wait until we are finished to let the tiny blocks tell me what type of little quilt they want to be. Do you have a plan from the beginning, or like me, you let the mood move you?
Top row above shows the hour glass unit before trimming. I like cutting squares for an hourglass 1/8” or 1/4” larger before stitching. It makes trimming to size so much easier. Hourglasses in middle and bottom rows are trimmed.

Below, you can see how I pressed. I flip the seam intersection of each hourglass, and clip next to the seam allowance so you may press the seams to nest with the half square triangle units. This makes for a smooth construction and ultimately a flat block without big bumps.
For more with me and today’s block, visit Moda’s blog, Instagram @betsy_chutchian or Moda Blockheads on Facebook.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time,
~ Betsy