What a week, what a month, come to think of it. Let's take a break from the news and sew. This week has the perfect block for Spring. What could be more timely than Blooming Love??? I love this block so before I go any farther, Thank You, Robin for the design!
Now, let me ask you ALL how you and your family are? Safe and well? Yes, I hope and pray so. All well here, thankfully. What a gift, it is to sew, to play in fabric to distract us from the disruption of everything in our lives.
Thank you Moda for BH3!
It's a pleasure to be with you each week even if only to print a pattern or to click on a link.
Thank you for taking the time to visit.
Thank you for taking the time to visit.
Sorry I missed posting last week. Several deadlines hit at the wrong time and something had to give. If you missed my version of Stacy's block Windmills, it will be down below.
So here is the very pretty Blooming Love with a few of my treasures...a pitcher I gave my mom one Mother's Day, a jelly server that was my great grandmother Florence's, and a butter pat from my collection.
Selecting the fabrics was easy, as I knew what I wanted, but the placement, as you will find when you have your pattern, really made me think! And what a good thing to have to think!
I chose to make a 6" size, and it is sooo sweet.
I dug around in the scrap bag for some Lizzie's Legacy, Evelyn's Homestead, Susanna's scraps, Sarah's Story and Nancy's Needle. What fun to play with them all!
to go to Robin's blog and download the pattern.
Be sure to visit all our designers to see what they have made this week.
Links below.
Here is last week's Windmills by Stacy Iest Hsu
6" version
and my pile....
One last thing before I go, did you see, or follow the postings on Instagram for my mystery doll quilt?
For several days I posted photos and clues.
I got the idea when starting to decorate for Spring. All photos and clues are on my Instagram feed @betsy_chutchian or search Instagram for #pickledpinkmysterydollquilt
It was another fun diversion and you can still make it if you wish.
Pickled Pink Doll Quilt
Now go grab Robin's pattern and sew. And Enjoy!
Until next time!
~ Betsy
Corey Yoder - https://corianderquilts.com/
Sherri McConnell - https://www.aquiltinglife.com/
Betsy Chutchian - http://betsysbestquiltsandmore.blogspot.com/
Jan Patek - http://janpatek.blogspot.com/
Brigitte Heitland - https://www.brigitteheitland.de/blog
Lisa Bongean - https://lisabongean.com/
Lissa Alexander - http://modalissa.com/
Laurie Simpson - http://minickandsimpson.blogspot.com/
Vanessa Goertzen - https://lellaboutique.blogspot.com/
Stacy Iest Hsu - https://www.stacyiesthsu.com/blog/
Robin Pickens - https://www.robinpickens.com/
Janet Clare - http://janetclare.co.uk/blog/
Jen Kingwell - www.jenkingwelldesigns.com/blog
Joanna Figueroa - https://blog.figtreeandcompany.com/